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 » TuneUp Utilities 2008 7.0.8004 Eng/Rus
24 Апреля 2008, просмотров: 477, опубликовал: Admin

TuneUp Utilities 2008 7.0.8004 — новая версия известного пакета утилит, предназначенного для оптимизации и поддержания нормальной работы операционной системы Windows. Все утилиты этого пакета объединены в единую графическую оболочку. Для запуска той или иной утилиты нужно выбрать ее название в списке и кликнуть по ней мышкой. После этого открывается диалоговое окно, в котором и производятся все соответствующие действия. Возможности пакета TuneUp Utilities весьма обширны: настройка различных системных функций, оптимизация работы оперативной памяти, сбор подробной информации о системе (как программной, так и аппаратной ее частей), очистка битых ярлыков и мертвых ссылок, встроенный редактор реестра, удаление файлов с жесткого диска без возможности их восстановления. Работать с этой программой легко, поскольку не нужно выполнять сложных и непонятных действий.
Поместить все существующие настройки и инструменты в одну программу практически невозможно, поэтому многие разработчики программного обеспечения создают набор утилит, которые предназначены для решения той или иной задачи. Данный оптимизатор представляет собой именно такой универсальный набор инструментов на все случаи жизни. В его состав входят утилиты для очистки компьютера от временных файлов, для определения неполадок в системном реестре, дефрагментатор реестра, программа для работы с оперативной памятью, менеджер процессов, утилита для корректного удаления установленных приложений и многие другие.


TuneUp Utilities 2008 объединяет в себе важные функции для оптимизации системы, конфигурации, очистки и обслуживания в современном графическом пользовательском интерфейсе.

10 причин остановить свой выбор на программе TuneUp Utilities 2008:

• Мощный дефрагментатор жесткого диска
• Оптимизация запуска системы, ускорение интернета и работы Windows
• Быстрая очистка жесткого диска
• Эффективная чистка системы от мусора
• Полная автоматическая очистка
• Эффективная чистка реестра от устаревших и ненужных записей
• Эффективная помощь в решении многих проблем в Windows
• Эффективное средство для восстановления удаленных данных
• Полное удаление данных, без возможности их восстановления
• Тонкая настройка Windows
• Современный графический пользовательский интерфейс

TuneUp Utilities description

The complete tuning solution for your PC
With TuneUp Utilities, your system will be faster, more comfortable and more secure. All important aspects of system configuration, security, cleanup and maintenance can be accessed through a modern graphical interface.

TuneUp Utilities will optimize the performance of your PC, solve problems and help you easily customize your computer to suit your needs.

TuneUp Utilities helps both beginners and experts to make Windows meet their needs in a way that is better, easier and safer. All important system options are explained in an easy way and can be turned on or off at the click of your mouse. TuneUp Utilities will then make the necessary changes in the registry or boot files automatically. We place a high value on system stability, so that Windows won't stop working reliably. And most changes that you make can be undone in TuneUp Rescue Center - easily and safely.

TuneUp Utilities also gives you many more options. In addition to helping you make Windows "better looking", you can also clean up and optimize your system at the click of a mouse. TuneUp Utilities 2008 will clean up unnecessary data from your hard disk and remove unnecessary entries from your registry. It can defragment your hard disk and registry and optimize your system settings to make Windows run substantially faster. Most of this maintenance is performed automatically every week by TuneUp 1-Click Maintenance.

Automatic adaptation to your operating system

When making these changes, TuneUp Utilities reaches deep into the Windows system. However, Windows has changed a great deal from version to version. Because of this, the software automatically recognizes and adapts to each supported version of Windows. This is done automatically so that you, the user, won't have to re-learn the software for each operating system version.

Here are some key features of "TuneUp Utilities":

· Increase performance

No one should have to use a Windows
system that keeps getting slower and slower over time. TuneUp Utilities 2008 includes several modules to help prevent your system from slowing down. TuneUp Drive Defrag determines the degree of fragmentation of your hard disks and reorganizes your files in an intelligent manner.

TuneUp Registry Defrag shrinks your bloated registry so that it takes up significantly less space. TuneUp StartUp Manager prevents unwanted programs from starting automatically. TuneUp System Optimizer uses various methods to improve general system performance and, most of all, your Internet speed. For systems running Windows 2000 or XP, you can also use TuneUp Memory Optimizer. This module lets you free up blocked system memory immediately, without restarting your computer.

· Free up disk space

Even the biggest hard disks fill up someday. TuneUp Utilities 2008 helps you preserve disk space by searching for many types of unnecessary files that can be deleted with the user's approval. The Start Center of TuneUp Utilities 2008 now shows you how much space can be saved, even before you have started a program module.

· Maintain Windows

Windows is a dynamic system that requires regular attention from its users. Because of this, regular system maintenance should be a priority. TuneUp 1-Click Maintenance can initiate maintenance of your entire system automatically at predefined times or with a single click of your mouse. This lets you keep your system in top shape at all times. If you would like to perform detailed registry maintenance, you can use TuneUp Registry Cleaner at any time.

· Solve problems

If Windows is no longer working properly, the three modules in this category can often be helpful. TuneUp Disk Doctor examines your system disks for defects or errors in their file systems. These problems can be fixed quickly. With TuneUp Repair Wizard, you can solve a number of general computer or display problems. If you have accidentally deleted important files, you can use TuneUp Undelete for another chance to recover your files. File recovery is only possible in this case if Windows has not yet overwritten the files with other data.

· Customize Windows

Windows is not as inflexible as you may think. The modules in this category will help you to customize your Windows system at the click of a mouse. With TuneUp System Control, for example, you can easily adjust Windows and program settings and Internet options or change the behavior of the Start menu or taskbar. TuneUp Styler lets you customize the appearance of Windows.

· Additional tools

Five powerful modules are included in this category. TuneUp Uninstall Manager helps you delete programs that you are no longer using. TuneUp Process Manager manages running processes, shows a list of open files and monitors system resource usage. TuneUp Registry Editor lets you view and edit keys and values in the registry.

With TuneUp Shredder, you can permanently delete files and folders so that unauthorized users will never be able to recover them. Finally, TuneUp System Information gives every user an overview of installed hardware and software, which can be very useful before performing repairs or modifications on your computer.


Minimum system configuration

· 800x600 screen resolution with 256 colors
· 60 MB free disk space
· CD-ROM or DVD-ROM-Drive
· Internet Explorer 6

Recommended system configuration

· 1024x768 screen resolution with 16.7 million colors
· 100 MB free disk space
· CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive
· Internet Explorer 6 or 7
· Internet access

What's New in This Release:
· New module: "TuneUp Drive Defrag"
· Improved TuneUp 1-Click Maintenance
· New Start Center - even easier to use
· New area: "Free up disk space"
· New module: "TuneUp Repair Wizard"
· TuneUp System Control with even more tweaks for Vista

Размер: 13.65 MB

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