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18 Апреля 2007, просмотров: 405, опубликовал: Admin

Новая версия антивирусного ядра, используемого во всей линейке продуктов, позволит обнаружить большое количество разновидностей наиболее известных вирусов и их модификаций с помощью минимального количества вирусных записей. Эвристический анализатор Dr. Web® стал еще более оптимизирован для детектирования ранее неизвестных вредоносных программ, позволяя Вам встретить во всеоружии новые волны современных вирусных эпидемий.
Основные преимущества
Нетребовательность к ресурсам - отлично работает на настольных ПК, идеален для работы на ноутбуках
Возможность установки на зараженную машину и излечивания пораженной системы
Корректная проверка “на лету” входящей и исходящей почты по протоколам POP3/SMTP/IMAP/NNTP
Защита от шпионских, рекламных программ, хакерских утилит и программ-дозвонщиков
Высокая частота обновлений вирусных баз - до нескольких раз в час!
Ключевые возможности
Антивирус Dr.Web - один из самых нетребовательных к ресурсам антивирусов и полностью совместим с версиями Microsoft Windows, от Windows 95 OSR2 и до Windows XP Professional. Дистрибутив антивируса Dr.Web имеет наименьший размер среди ведущих мировых антивирусов - около 9МБ, 12-15МБ требуется на диске после установки! Dr.Web работает, не перегружая систему, что позволяет ему уверенно защищать даже маломощные компьютеры прежних поколений.
Dr.Web защищает компьютер от любых видов вредоносного кода, ему нет равных в детектировании и лечении полиморфных вирусов.

Dr.Web® for Windows provides reliable and highly efficient protection of your system and data regardless what type of the Microsoft operating system is installed on your computer. The Dr.Web® for Windows components allow in a real time mode to detect malicious programs from any external sources.

Dr.Web protects file and mail servers, separate workstations, corporate networks and Internet gateways worldwide. Large national Telcompanies choose Dr.Web for mail servers for its high-performance, stable operation and irreproachable detection of viruses combined with extremely low false detection rate. Dr.Web defends file servers of large businesses and data storages of universities and research institutes. Each and every piece of network receives protection by Dr.Web.

Created in the early 90s in Russia by Igor Daniloff, Dr.Web® has always reflected its author’s basic philosophy: security means no compromise. Many innovations marked by Dr.Web has long become a standard for the AV industry, for example, cross-platform structure. Having appeared as the response to the growing threat of polymorphic viruses, Dr.Web Anti-virus still remains in the lead, always showing 100% results in the Virus Bulletin comparative reviews for this type of the most complicated viruses.
The other feature that has always distinguished the Dr.Web® anti-virus from its competitors is its low memory/resource usage, so that this AV remains unnoticeable to a user. This low footprint TOGETHER with its high detection abilities have attracted millions of users around the world to Dr.Web.

Dr.Web® for Windows main components:
* The Dr.Web® scanner with graphical interface - It scans the selected by a user objects on drives by request, detects and neutralizes viruses in memory, checks autorun files and processes.
* On-access monitor SpIDer Guard™ - It intercepts in a real time mode all accesses to files, detects and blocks suspicious behaviour of programs.
* SpIDer Mail® resident mail filter - Assures safe work with e-mail messages scanning POP3/SMTP/IMAP/NNTP protocols. Provides a top-level security for handling both Inbound and Outbound e-mail.
* The Dr.Web command line scanner - Scans selected objects on drives by request, detects and neutralizes viruses in memory, checks autorun files and processes.
* The automatic updating utility - Downloads updates of the virus bases and program modules, and also conducts a registration procedure and delivers the license or the demo key files.
* The Scheduler - Schedules automations for the anti-virus protection, for example, virus bases updates, scanning of computer drives, scanning of autorun files.

Multilevel protection of your computer by Dr.Web for Windows:
* Any files potentially dangerous for a system are scanned by the SpIDer Guard resident monitor in a real time mode immediately after they come to your computer. Any file, whether it is written from an external carrier (diskette, CD-ROM, Flash-disk, smart card and so on), or a file downloaded from another computer from the network, or a file attached to a mail message - they all will be perceived by a SpIDer Guard's watchful eye and come to a disk only after they receive a "green light" from this impartial guard.
* Any mail message sent to your e-mail address before it comes to your mail box on the local disk will be checked by the SpIDer Mail mail filter, and if nothing dangerous is found, it will be passed through. Even if the virus is hidden in the archived file, as many mail worms do now, the Dr.Web Anti-virus engine will certainly find it inside. Even the crafty trick of a password protected archive with a virus from the latest arsenal of virus writers will not pose an obstacle for the Dr.Web anti-virus. Besides, SpIDer Mail scan prevents distribution of viruses from the infected computer even if this variety of virus is not included into the virus base.
* Dr.Web for Windows can also detect and neutralize the viruses existing only in the main computer memory and which are never met in the form of files. These are notorious CodeRed and Slammer, which have overflown the world with the epidemics and caused multibillion damages.
* Finally, Dr.Web for Windows allows you, in the overwhelming majority of cases, not only to cure the infected files, but also to remove the viral traces from different elements of the system, regardless their sophisticated masquerading tricks. All these actions can be performed by the Dr.Web anti-virus engine itself, without help of any additional utilities, which must be first downloaded from the Internet and only then applied.

Если у вас возникают проблемы связанные со скачиванием файлов,то вам следует ознакомиться с инструкцией по скачке файлов с таких файловых обменников как: Rapidshare.com , FileFactory.Com , DepositFiles.Ru и LetitBit.Ru

Уважаемый посетитель, Вы зашли на сайт как незарегистрированный пользователь. Мы рекомендуем Вам зарегистрироваться либо зайти на сайт под своим именем.

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