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 » EmEditor Professional v6.00.4
07 Апреля 2007, просмотров: 395, опубликовал: Admin

EmuraSoft EmEditor это мощный текстовый редактор для Windows, отличный заменитель блокнота, предназначенный как для программистов, веб-дизайнеров, так и для обычных пользователей. При помощи EmEditor Professional, Text Editor, HTML Editor, Programmers Editor для Windows вы сможете создать функционально-богатое макроопределение, используя javascript или VBScript! EmEditor поддерживает Unicod, поддержка плагинов к программе, подсвечивании синтаксиса и другие возможности.

EmEditor is No.1 selling text editor in Japan! EmEditor is a text editor offering full Unicode support, plug-ins, syntax highlighting, and many other features. With EmEditor Professional, Text Editor for Windows, you can create functionally-rich macros using JavaScript or VBScript! EmEditor supports Unicode, Plug-ins, Find/Replace in Files, syntax highlighting, and more! EmEditor Professional v5 features even more light-weight and powerful tab functions.
Many more features added
Several highly-requested features have been added to EmEditor including:
Added the Shortcut tab on the Customize dialog box, which allows you to display or hide the Tray Icon, Send To Shortcut and other shortcuts.
The Language tab was added to the Customize dialog box. By installing additional language packs, the user interface language can be switched.
The Automatically Name Untitled Document check box was added to the Save Details dialog box.
The management method for the current folder is changed, and solved the issue that previously used folders could not be removed.
The installer became Windows Installer, which allows installation without displaying dialog boxes.
New command line options (/ca, /car, /di, /hide, /ipi, and /sca) were added.
The Find and Replace dialog box positions are now remembered.
The Search All Open Documents check box added to the Find dialog box.
Regular expression search and validation messages and inline functions were added to the plug-in API.

Free Upgrade
EmEditor Professional v6 is available free for EmEditor Professional v4 and v5 users. EmEditor Standard v6 is available free for EmEditor Standard v4 and v5 users and EmEditor v3 users.

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