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 » Trojan Remover 6.5.7
05 Марта 2007, просмотров: 365, опубликовал: Admin

Trojan Remover - Программа, специализирующаяся на отлавливании троянских программ - полезная в хозяйстве вещь, ведь вполне может случиться так, что стандартный антивирусник не сможет не то что удалить, но и обнаружить какой-нибудь особо изощренно изготовленный троян (в настощий момент программа способна обнаружить и удалить более шестнадцати тысяч троянов, и эта база данных постоянно пополняется).

Trojan Remover aids in the removal of Malware - Trojan Horses, Worms, Adware, Spyware - when standard anti-virus software either fails to detect them or fails to effectively eliminate them. Standard antivirus programs are good at detecting this Malware, but not always so good at effectively removing it.

Trojan Remover is designed to work on Windows 98/ME/2000/XP. The latest information on compatibility with Windows Vista is here. The program is not, at present, compatible with any 64bit version of Windows.
The majority of Virus and Trojan Scanners are well able to detect malicious software - Trojan Horses, Internet Worms, Adware/Spyware etc. - but are not always very efficient in removing them once they have been triggered.
Trojan Remover is designed specifically to disable/remove Malware without the user having to manually edit system files or the Registry. The program also removes the additional system modifications some Malware carries out which are ignored by standard antivirus and trojan scanners.
Trojan Remover scans ALL the files loaded at boot time for Adware, Spyware, Remote Access Trojans, Internet Worms and other malware. Trojan Remover also checks to see if Windows loads Services which are hidden by Rootkit techniques and warn you if it finds any.

Version 6.5.7
Added a new scanning routine to the normal scan (ShellExecuteHooks).
Added new heuristic detection routines (Adware.VirtuMonde, Trojan.DNSChanger, Backdoor.Zapchast)
Removed the Print Logfile options: as the logfile is now displayed in Notepad, it is easier (and better) to print it from there.
Bugfix: Show Alerts on All Files was not working correctly.

Size 5,6 Mb

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