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 » PC Beginner Utilities Suite 2007
14 Февраля 2007, просмотров: 431, опубликовал: Admin

PC Beginner Utilities Suite 2007 - это набор утилит и программ, с помощью которой Вы сможете легко установить Windows, спасти систему, вылечить от вирусов, оптимизировать, продиагностировать, отформатировать, клонировать и спасти жесткий диск, и многое другое...

PC Beginner CD - The world #1 multitask CD! This is the most AWESOME CD that you will EVER use!
PC Beginner CD 2007 is a suite of computer utilities for configuring, optimizing and repairing computer systems.
PC Beginner CD 2007 is easy for PC beginners, and is so powerful for advanced users also.

PC Beginner CD 2007 includes TWO parts:
(1) - Windows Tools that can run while you are already in Windows. These tools are Windows Doctor, Windows Recovery, Windows Installation, File Shredder & File Undelete, Password & Key Finder, Security & Privacy, and Desktop Secretary. How to run these tools? While you are already in Windows, put the PC Beginner CD into your CD drive and then click "Install Windows Tools".
(2) - Other tools that can run only after PC boots from PC Beginner CD. These tools are Disk Partition & Format, Rescue Hard Disk, Disk Clone & Backup, Wipe Data, Windows Recovery, Windows Installation, Data Recovery, Data Transfer, Unformat, Undelete, Windows Admin/User Password Recovery, and BIOS/CMOS Password Recovery. How to run these tools? You need to boot from PC Beginner CD. For details on how to boot from PC Beginner CD, please check "Miscellaneous" in this User Manual.

You can use it to :
- Install Windows easily;
- Rescue Windows rapidly;
- Scan for viruses & block attacks;
- Optimize and Speed up your system;
- Diagnose any PC Hardware;
- Partition, Format, Clone, and Rescue hard drive;
- Recover data;
- Discover passwords;
- Remove pop-up and spyware;
- and 100s of other tools along with them...

PC Beginner 2007 Windows Tools is a set of practical tools for Windows Operating System, which supports Windows Vista/2003/XP/2000/ME/98. It combines all critical functions for system maintenance, optimization, cleanup and protection as follows:

*** Windows Doctor
Smart Uninstall
IE Restore
Startup Manager

*** Windows Recovery

System Backup
System Recovery

*** Windows Installation

Install Windows

*** File Shredder & File Undelete

File Shredder
File Undelete

*** Password & Key Finder

Password Finder
MS Product Key Finder

*** Security & Privacy
Clean Up History
Folder Encryption

*** Desktop Secretary
Desktop Secretary

Все архивы имеют 10% восстановления
All archives have 10% recovery point

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