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 » FortKnox Personal Firewall v1.0.215.0
25 Января 2007, просмотров: 402, опубликовал: Admin

FortKnox Personal Firewall - персональный файрвол от производителя Spy Emergency, обладающий всеми необходимыми качествами серьёзного брандмауера, который может защитить ваш компьютер о вторжений хакерских атак, проникновения троянов, spyware и т.д. Встроенная система обнаружения атак - не плохо справляется со своей задачей, не оставляя шансов для всех зловредных программ и многое, многое другое.

FortKnox Personal Firewallis personal firewall solution thatallows you to protect a PC againsthacker attacks, trojans, spyware andinternet threats. It has built-inIntrusion Prevention System and SPItechnologies for extended userprotection. It gives user completeoverview of all inbound and outboundnetwork communication in anintuitive user interface.
FortKnox Personal Firewall is personal firewall solution
thatallows you to protect a PC against hacker attacks, trojans, spyware andinternet threats. It has built-in Intrusion Prevention System and SPItechnologies for extended user protection. It gives user completeoverview of all inbound and outbound network communication in anintuitive user interface.

Are you afraid of hackers or spyware that will steal yourpersonal data and send it over Internet? Download and install nowFortKnox Personal Firewall and you will gain the control again.

FortKnox Personal Firewall Features:
Protects system from inbound in outbound attacks
Traffic and packet logging
Statefull package inspection
Integrated Intrusion Prevention System
All system connections overview
Advanced rules for experienced users
Anti-spoofing technologies
File and printer sharing settings
User-friendly graphics interface
Automatic database updates
Simple configuration
Skin support
Language support
Technical support
and much more...
FortKnoxPersonal Firewall support extended application rules that helps user tocontrol how individual applications communicate over Internet. Usershave option to setup extended rules that match their individual needs.With its intuitive interface it is suitable for both beginners
and experienced users.

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